Heimgard Technologies HT-SLM-2
Model | HT-SLM-2 |
Vendor | Heimgard Technologies |
Description | Doorlock with fingerprint |
Exposes | lock (state, lock_state), pin_code, battery, sound_volume, linkquality |
Picture | ![]() |
OTA updates
This device supports OTA updates, for more information see OTA updates.
How to use device type specific configuration
: Expose pin of this lock in the published payload (default false). The value must betrue
The current state of this lock is in the published state under the state
property (value is LOCK
To control this lock publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set
with payload {"state": "LOCK"}
or {"state": "UNLOCK"}
To read the current state of this lock publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get
with payload {"state": ""}
This lock exposes a lock state which can be found in the published state under the lock_state
property. It’s not possible to read (/get
) or write (/set
) this value. The possible values are: not_fully_locked
, locked
, unlocked
Pin_code (composite)
Can be set by publishing to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set
with payload {"pin_code": {"user": VALUE, "user_type": VALUE, "user_enabled": VALUE, "pin_code": VALUE}}
To read (/get
) the value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get
with payload {"pin_code": ""}
(numeric): User ID to set or clear the pincode for-
(enum): Type of user, unrestricted: owner (default), (yearweek)_day_schedule: user has ability to open lock based on specific time period, master: user has ability to both program and operate the door lock, non_access: user is recognized by the lock but does not have the ability to open the lock allowed values: unrestricted
(binary): Whether the user is enabled/disabled allowed values:true
(numeric): Pincode to set, set pincode to null to clear
Battery (numeric)
Remaining battery in %, can take up to 24 hours before reported..
Value can be found in the published state on the battery
It’s not possible to read (/get
) or write (/set
) this value.
The minimal value is 0
and the maximum value is 100
The unit of this value is %
Sound_volume (enum)
Sound volume of the lock.
Value can be found in the published state on the sound_volume
To read (/get
) the value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get
with payload {"sound_volume": ""}
To write (/set
) a value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set
with payload {"sound_volume": NEW_VALUE}
The possible values are: silent_mode
, low_volume
, high_volume
Linkquality (numeric)
Link quality (signal strength).
Value can be found in the published state on the linkquality
It’s not possible to read (/get
) or write (/set
) this value.
The minimal value is 0
and the maximum value is 255
The unit of this value is lqi